Start Your Career Exploration & Building of Lifeling Financial Skills Now

Fill out the Student Profile Form below and take the first step in gaining valuable, real-world financial education and career exploration.

The Extra Mile Academy (TEMA) works hard to not only give students a solid base of financial education which will aide them in nearly all of life’s major decisions, but also to help them figure out and match with their ideal career; one of the biggest decisions anyone makes in their life.

We are focused on helping college students at this time, but hope to expand our reach to high school students in the future.

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Have Questions?

Have questions about how The Extra Mile Academy can help you reach your financial and career goals in life? Contact Us today and let us help you.

About The Extra Mile Academy (TEMA)

Founded in 2014, The Extra Mile Academy (TEMA) has two core aspects to its mission. First, TEMA gives students the opportunity to learn financial literacy in real-world settings. Students work one-on-one with an accredited, professional financial advisor, with real clients, learning all aspects of financial management. Budgeting, investing, saving, mortgages, credit cards, debt, we cover it all so students can learn how these financial topics work in real life.

Second, we want to give students work experience in internship positions that match their interests, passions, and talents. We work with students to figure out where the intersection of their interests and abilities lie, then place them with employers that will help them explore potential careers of interest to them in a real-world setting.

TEMA is supported by donations of time, money, and experience by local and national donors. If you would like to help us bring financial literacy plus real-world career exploration opportunities to more students, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

Help Us Help Students

Help us fulfill our mission of bringing financial literacy to students by making a tax-deductible donation.
TEMA is approved as a 501( c)(3) Non-Profit Charity.

Giving students the skills, experience, and opportunities that will last them a lifetime.

From budgeting to investing, to buying a home and managing debt, we provide students with the practical, critical financial literacy skills we wish were offered in school.

We match students with internship opportunities that not only match their interests and aptitudes, but also give them a chance to try out careers, helping them find not only what they want to do, but for whom they want to do it for.