President’s Volunteer Service Award
Presidential Gratitude and National Recognition
President’s Volunteer Service Award
Do you want to help others while helping yourself?
Do you want volunteer experience to document on your resume?
Do you want to earn an award from the President of the United States?
If you answered yes to these questions, you might be a good candidate to become an Ambassador for The Extra Mile Academy (TEMA).
What is the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)?
Presidential recognition sets you apart from your peers. It is a tremendous honor. Even though you may not seek recognition, your example can deliver a powerful message that encourages others to take action.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes United States citizens and lawfully admitted, permanent residents of the United States who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime.
How do I earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award?
Step 1: Decide what financial topic interests you. Learn about the specific topic from different materials provided to you. Materials from the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) or the 40 Money Management Tips Every College Student Should Know curriculum are provided at no cost. You can also use your own materials that you find along the way.
Step 2: Create a plan to accomplish the required hours within a one year period. Your plan needs to include your financial topic (ex. budgeting, etc.); your target audience (ex. students, youth group, parent, etc.); where you will be presenting your learned information (ex. classroom, shelter, living room, etc.); when you will be presenting (ex. one time per week for one hour, etc.); and how you will be documenting your hours (ex. word document, excel spreadsheet, etc.) Every hour spent studying and learning the material counts toward the required hours. Once you have learned the material, you will be expected to share what you have learned. You can share with one person (ex. parent) or to a group (ex. classroom). You get to decide.
Step 3: Submit your plan to TEMA for approval. Once approved, TEMA will provide you all the materials needed free of charge. There are no costs or fees to be apart of this program. TEMA is supported by grants and donations.
Step 4: Track hours spent learning material and sharing with others. Hours are measured over a 12-month period. The awards are offered in multiple levels and are designed to recognize each milestone of your service achievement. Levels include bronze, silver, and gold. For example, Young Adults (ages 16-25) who complete 100-174 hours reach the Bronze level, those who complete 175-249 hours reach the Silver level, and those who complete 250+ reach the Gold level. Once you have completed the required hours for the specific award (level) you choose, you are almost done. Along with your hours, you will submit a paper explaining what you learned from the experience. Your paper needs to answer the question, “What did I learn from completing this project?”
Step 5: Receive your award that you can now document on your resume!
NEFE Materials
Here is a sample of NEFE materials available for you to use free of charge:
High School Financial Planning Program Topics
The HSFPP is designed to reinforce the sensible money management habits learned at home while also introducing sound basic personal finance skills that are relevant to the lives of pre-teens, teens, and young adults.
As a result of taking part in the program, students build confidence, apply practical skills, and exhibit sensible behaviors related to money management. The specific skills they learn about and practice are featured in six topical modules.
Control Your Cash Flow
Borrowing: Use—Don’t Abuse
Earning Power: More Than a Paycheck
Investing: Money Working for You
Financial Services: Care for Your Cash
Insurance: Protect What You Have
Financial Education Instructional Video
Here is an example video…
Submit Your Volunteer Service Plan
Ready to get started working towards The President’s Volunteer Service Award? Great! Fill out the following form to get things rolling: